I continue to be moved and enlightened by this story. Both the novel and the play offer so much insight to our natural human tendencies and our ability to push against those tendencies. A text that reaches both teens and adults, we are all prompted to question our own insecurities and weaknesses and to listen to the voice within us that calls us to act with courage. As we have explored these characters, we have found so much room for empathy and understanding. We have shifted our thinking and calmed our judgements about people and situations we may not fully understand. We have experienced grace and patience, and we have realized what we can learn from one another if we look and listen more closely. Christopher Boone shows us how to unleash our full potential, how to be brave, how to forgive, and how to celebrate our own uniqueness. As an audience, we are given the privilege to enter his world and we are changed for the better as a result.
One of the first challenges I offered this cast was to allow themselves to truly become an ensemble. The only way this production would work was if they could surrender the self for the whole, if they could be part of a team. They have become such a secure and supportive company; they know one another's lines, can predict each other's needs, and they never hesitate to serve. We are so very proud of the creative risks we took to bring this show to the stage and we can't wait to show you the world we have built. Enjoy Christopher's play; he told it well.
Projection Provided by Matt Kizer Scenic and Lighting Design
Original Music by Samuel Piper
LHS Administrative Team
Janna Langebartels, administrative assistance
Kelley Johnson, dialect coach
Katie Trafford, props
The Smith Family, props
Lynn O'Brien, Boone's handler
Lebanon Veterinary Clinic, Boone's care
Emily Wolfgang, backstage help
Amanda Hale, backstage help
LHS Z Club, flowers
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